How to take the bus from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai, Thailand – Green Bus step by step guide with photos.
If you want to take the bus from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, read from the bottom up ?.
Step 1: Go to the Chiang Rai Green line bus station. At this point in time it is called the Temperary Bus Terminal, Address. Click to see bus times / Time schedules for bus departures in either direction. Note: this is in town, not the New Terminal which is 7 kilometers outside of town, unless you prefer that.
Step 2: Bought our bus ticket from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai for 166 baht (USD$4.85) each, leaving at 11:30 AM
The ticket has all of the important information on the front including the bus number (#166), seat number (3A), departure date (March 6 for us – 6/3) and time (11:30). Familiarize yourself with the picture below.
We had some time to kill and had not eaten breakfast yet, so went up the street to the BaanchivitMai Bakery and Restaurant – a feel good Bakery ?? We both ordered the Club sandwich with French Fries for 120 baht each (USD$3.50). A little more expensive than we are comfortable with, but it is supporting a good cause! 100% of the profits go to support disadvantaged children in the province of Chiang Rai – housing, medical and education.
Step 3: Watch for your bus, and as soon as you are allowed to, show your ticket, load your backpack or suitcase into the luggage compartment.
Step 4: Present your ticket again at the door to board. Our Bus #166 was loaded and left the station at 11:32 am ? with an estimated time of arrival 2:15pm. (3 hours 15 minutes).
Within 5 minutes a Thai lady handed out water and cookies to all the passengers. How civilized! Better than flying!?
At 11:50 am the bus stopped at the main bus station just outside of town (it is where we arrived coming from Luang Prabang, Laos) and picked up more people; 20 minutes and we have not made it too far yet. ? We leave the main station at 11:53 am.
The further we go, the better it gets, winding our way through the lush mountainous countryside of northern Thailand. The scenery is incredibly beautiful and the roads are in perfect condition, possibly recently paved.
Step 5: We entered the busy city of Chiang Mai at around 2:37 and reach the Arcade bus terminal at 2:48 PM, exactly as promised.?
‼️After note: Getting a tuk tuk ride was extremely complicated, due to a supposed language barrier. Tip: Have your address printed out IN THAI. Finally after walking away from the terminal, we found someone in the street willing to phone our hotel for the address (in Thai) and take us for, after negotiating, 100 baht / USD$3 (he started at 200 baht).